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  1. Basicity of an acid is the number of hydrogen ions which can be produced by one molecule of the acid.

  2. There are 3 common types of Basicity of an acid

    1. monoprotic

    2. diprotic

    3. triprotic

Physical Properties Of Acids


  1. Acids have the following physical properties:

    1. Tastes sour

    2. Turns moist blue litmus to red

    3. pH value < 7

    4. Can conduct electricity

    5. Corrosive

  1. Acids have the following chemical properties:

    1. Acid + Reactive Metal → Salt + Hydrogen gas

    2. Acid + Metal Carbonate → Salt + Water + Carbon Dioxide gas

    3. Acid + Base oxide → Salt + Water

    4. Acid + Alkali → Salt + Water

Chemical Properties Of Acids
Strong Acids And Weak Acids
  1. Acids are chemical substances that ionize/dissociate in the presence of water to produce hydrogen ions (or hydroxonium ions).

  2. Acids can be classified into 2 categories:

    1. Strong acids

    2. Weak acids

  3. The strength of an acid depends on the degree of ionization/dissociation of the acid.

Strong acids are acids that ionise completely to form hydrogen ions in water.


Sulphuric acid

Hydrochloric acid

Nitric acid

Weak acids are acids that partly ionise to form hydrogen ions in water.


Ethanoic acid

Phosphoric acid

Citric acid

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